Thomas Mann Fellowship for Robert Riener

In 2025, fourteen remarkable individuals from the fields of science, media, business, and culture will come together at the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles to address issues related to the annual topic “Across Boundaries.”
Prof. Dr. Robert Riener receives the Key Innovator Award from the IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference

In recognition of the extraordinary work in the field of Biorobotics Prof. Dr. Robert Riener receives the Key Innovator Award from the IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. With this award, Robert Riener is honored as a leading innovator for groundbreaking research, pioneering advancements, and significant contributions to the development of biorobotic systems and technologies.
Workshop about “Translating Rehabilitation Robotics into Clinical Applications"

The Internation Consortium of Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) will organize a workshop about “Translating Rehabilitation Robotics into Clinical Applications”. The workshop will take place in the frame of the IEEE Biorobotics Conference in Heidelberg, Germany, on Sept. 1st, 9:00-13:00. Organizers are Robert Riener, Jon Sensinger, and Meret Branscheidt.