Chiara Basla

Chiara received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, with a specialization in Technologies for Electronics. She graduated in December 2020 with honors. She carried out her Master thesis at the Neuroengineering Laboratory, ETH Zürich, under the supervision of Prof. Stanisa Raspopovic during which she tackled the design and development of a mechatronic system for the restoration of sensory-feedback in lower-limb amputees and diabetic patients. After completing her thesis, she continued working in the laboratory for 2 months as Research Assistant.
In 2019, Chiara worked in the Implantable Bionics Laboratory at the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, UNSW Sydney as part of her student exchange program. During these months, she focused on the design of a multi-channel constant current biphasic simulator for dissolution of platinum electrodes for cochlear implants.
Chiara joined the SMS Lab as a doctoral student in January 2021 and she works on a lightweight wearable exosuit to provide assistance to patients with muscle weakness across activities of daily living.