EU Commission invests €16 million in DIH-HERO to accelerate innovation in robotics for healthcare

The SMS-Lab is part of the Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics.
Anti-snoring bed developed by SMS lab wins research award for primary snoring (Forschungspreis zum primären Schnarchen)

The winners are Elisabeth Wilhelm, Francesco Crivelli (SMS-Alumni now working at CSEM), Nicolas Gerig (SMS- Alumni now working at the University of Basel), Marie-Rosa Fasser and Alexander Breuss.
M3 Rowing Simulator filmed by Radiotelevisione Svizzera

Ekin Basalp was asked about current research activities.
Panagiotis Tsangaridis became finalist of the best student paper at BIOROB2018

about Visual and Haptic Error Modulating Controllers for Robotic Gait Training
Visit of the Health Directorate of the Canton of Zurich

Cantonal Councillor Thomas Heiniger and his colleagues joined our lab to see recent developments and discuss future directions of assistive technologies.
W.A. de Vigier Award for two ETH spin-offs

On Wednesday, five Swiss start-ups received the W.A. de Vigier Award, which comes with prize money of 100,000 Swiss francs each. Two ETH spin-offs were among them. MyoSwiss helps improve the lives of people with limited mobility, while nanoleq is bringing a cable with unrivalled longevity to market.
Summer School on Rehabilitation Technology

Clinic Valens, Switzerland, July 2nd–6th, 2018
MyoSwiss Finalist of ZKB Pioneer Award TECHNOPARK 2018

Out of 50 entries, our SMS Spin-off was awarded as one of the top three pioneers.
ETH News Article on Somnomat

The article reports about our study on children suffering from sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder.
Fabian Just was awarded the first place in the Best Paper Award at the AUTOMED 2018 in Villingen-Schwenningen.

The talk given by Fabian Just at the AUTOMED 2018 was entitled “Pilot Study: Effects of Arm Weight Compensation with the Rehabilitation Robot ARMin”. AUTOMED is a technical committee supported by the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) and the VDI / VDE-Society Measurement and Automation (GMA).
Superprostheses and reality

Assistive devices may soon allow people to perform virtually superhuman feats. According to Robert Riener, however, there are more pressing goals than developing superhumans.
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 4/2017: Cybathlon Special Issue

The Special Issue contains articles and interviews from teams that participated in the Cybathlon 2016.