Two ETH Medals for the SMS Lab
Dr. Urs Keller and Dr. Schrafl-Altermatt received ETH Medals for their outstanding Dissertations.
The Control Committees of the Swiss Parliament visited the SMS Lab
On September 8, thirty-one members of the Swiss National Council and the Council of States visited the ETH and took a guided tour through our lab. With the projects “Somnomat” and “lower limb exoskeletons” and our work on muscle fatigue we could give insights into current research activities.
Visit from Walt Disney
Jon Snoddy and Moritz Bächer from Disney Research Zurich, visited the SMS Lab at Balgrist Campus.
BioRob 2016 conference awards
Two papers from the SMS lab won Awards at the IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics 2016 (Singapore)
Assistant professorship of Dr. Georg Rauter
Dr. Georg Rauter was nominated Assistant Professor for Medical Robotics and Mechatronics at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Basel, Switzerland.
BANCOM 2016 travel awards
Three SMS lab members won BANCOM 2016 travel awards
SNSF professorship of Dr. Laura Marchal-Crespo
The Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF awarded funding for the professorship of Dr. Laura Marchal-Crespo at the ARTORG Centre for Biomedical Engineering Research of the University of Bern and at the Division for Cognitive and Restorative Neurology of the University Hospital for Neurology, Inselspital.
Cybathlon presentation at AAAS 2016 annual meeting
Successful completion of our EU project STAMAS
Our partnership within smart technology for artificial muscle applications in space (STAMAS) project was successfully accomplished. Reviewers assessed the general quality of the work excellent and praised outstanding results for this very innovative and challenging project in space robotics.